All the content from your selected tag can be found below. These posts include content from Breast Cancer 101, Inside The Journey, Cancer-Kicking PowWow and Cancer-Kicking! Kitchen.
Hormonal Birth Control and Breast Cancer
Chemo Hair Loss… and Menopause Hair, Too?!
Getting Pregnant After Breast Cancer
It’s not impossble to get pregnant after breast cancer. With careful planning you can maintain your fertility during and after treatment…
The Top 6 Anti-Estrogen Foods for Breast Cancer Risk Reduction
Why should you add anti-estrogen foods into your diet? Let’s just start by stating that multiple benefits burst out of these foods and into your…
Should You Be Eating Soy? Setting the Record Straight!
Menopause: Symptoms, Treatment Options, Breast Cancer & Risks
For the average woman, menopause is way more than just the end of her menstruation. It is the varied symptoms that affect her life before, during, and even…