All the content from your selected tag can be found below. These posts include content from Breast Cancer 101, Inside The Journey, Cancer-Kicking PowWow and Cancer-Kicking! Kitchen.
Breast Cancer 101
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Treatment for early-stage breast cancer has come a long way. These days it’s more precise and more effective, but a…
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Breast Cancer & Your Job: Should You Tell Your Employer?
After getting hit with a breast cancer diagnosis, your mind races with a list of uncertainties. While the most important…
ViewInside The Journey
How I Masked The Effects Of Chemotherapy At Work
I went through chemotherapy for breast cancer in the Spring through Summer of 2007. By choice and necessity, I worked…
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The Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act (GINA)
A few days ago, CBS News released a report of a Connecticut woman who alleged that her employer dismissed her…