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Dr. Kristi Funk’s Antioxidant Smoothie

Recipe by Dr. Kristi Funk
4.4 from 68 votes
Course: Breakfast, Lunch, AnytimeCuisine: American, ContientalDifficulty: Easy


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Juiceries have been popping up on every corner lately, and while I hear patients swear by the anticancer, detoxifying powers of juicing, I am not a big fan. The main problem with juicing is that you miss out on all the fiber from the pulp and skins that otherwise remain when blending or consuming whole foods. Many mistakenly think of fiber as just an insoluble stool-bulking agent. Not so, friends! This isn’t about regular bowel movements. Fiber yields protective benefits against breast cancer; phytochemicals bind inextricably to the skins and pulp that juicing discards. The good bacteria in your gut liberate these bound polyphenols and send them streaming through your body to relieve oxidative stress. That’s also why fruit juice spikes blood sugar levels and exacerbates existing insulin resistance and diabetes, but eating the same thing in whole fruit form lowers these conditions.

Every time you drink juice, you miss an opportunity to drink or eat the whole food. We only have 1,600 to 2,000 calories to consume a day, so let’s make them work as completely as possible for our good. Blended smoothies, as opposed to juice, combine delicious whole fruits and vegetables, maximizing your intake of plant-based health secrets. You can almost hear the cancer cells crying out, “Oh no, not more turmeric and blueberries!”

You should start every morning with a hearty dose of phytonutrient fabulousness, and this smoothie more than delivers! I’ve been perfecting the ingredients of my Antioxidant Smoothie since 2012. I am pretty sure it contains the most Cancer-Kicking! compounds found in one single glass of goodness on Earth.

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  • Liquids
  • 1.5 cups of soy or favorite plant-based milk

  • 1 fl oz of liquid and purified Aloe Tonic

  • Seeds
  • 1 tbsp of flaxseeds (omega-3 fatty acids)

  • Spices
  • 1 scoop of Amla Boss Indian gooseberry powder

  • 1 tsp of cinnamon

  • 1/4 tsp of turmeric or 1⁄4 inch fresh turmeric root

  • 1/4 tsp of black pepper (activates the curcumin)

  • Green Tea Options
  • 1 tsp of Ancient Matcha green tea, or alternatively

  • 2 oz of brewed green tea

  • Fruits & Veggies
  • 1 small of banana (I freeze mine)

  • 1 dried date (no pit)

  • 2 cups of packed dark leafy greens like spinach, kale, or collard greens

  • 2 cups of berries (fiber listed in grams): raspberries (8), blackberries (8),
    boysenberries (7), blueberries (4), and/or strawberries (3). Can trade 1 cup of berries for other fruits: apple, orange, mango, pear, peach, etc.



  • To make this nutrient-rich bomb, you will need a high-quality blender to mash through frozen antioxidants and mix all the flavors, ideally one with at least 500 watts and a 64-ounce pitcher. I started using a Vitamix when I first began making this recipe, and I never looked back. Talk about a powerhouse blender.
  • Put all the ingredients into your blender on high until your smoothie looks thick and creamy smooth. Especially when using whole flaxseeds, make sure they grind up and disappear.
    Alternatively, use a coffee grinder first, or buy ground flaxseeds – since your body can’t digest the outer hull, which contains most of the fiber and all the lignans.
  • To mix things up, you can add vanilla, fresh mint leaves, fresh basil leaves, lime juice, lemon juice, fresh ginger root, cayenne pepper, or 1-2 drops of the powerful antioxidant, clove oil. (Warning: clove oil is extremely potent. Do test drops in a small portion of your smoothie to see what you can handle. The first time I tried it, my lips went numb for an hour, but I used 20 drops!)
  • Pour the smoothie into a large cup. If you have the time, sip through a straw over 20 minutes. Consider glass, stainless steel, or silicone reusable straws to avoid BPA exposure and to lessen your environmental impact from plastic straws.
  • If you drink it daily (as you should), be sure to break the routine every now and then with new flavors like mango, pear, and peach to substitute some of your mixed berries.

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  • If you need to make your Antioxidant Smoothie on a budget, you can substitute Ancient Matcha by using a standard green tea bag. Just cut it open and pour it into your smoothie instead. Ancient Matcha is significantly more potent than regular green tea, but some green tea is better than none. If fresh, organic fruits are out of budget, consider using a frozen mixed berries blend from your grocery store. They are usually more affordable.
  • Depending on how you mix up your berries, you will end up with 18-22g of fiber just from your smoothie. This is quite good and gets you close to the daily recommended minimum of 30g. However, if you don’t consume any other fiber for the rest of your day, you can more fiber from your favorite supplement to your smoothie.
  • All recipes from the Cancer-Kicking! Kitchen are always 100% plant-based and delicious. Check our Ingredient Spotlight feature to learn what makes each ingredient special, and use our Purity Scale to see just how healthy and plant-pure your recipe is.
4.1 172 votes
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⟳ Anytime, ⟳ Breakfast, ⟳ Drinks, ⟳ Lunch, 1-10 Mins, American, Continental, ⭥Easy
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