Sheryl Crow and I were recently invited to the Dr. Oz show. Because breast cancer can be such a complex topic, I was particularly excited when I found out that we’d be giving advice on something everyone can easily understand – food!
The first segment of the show focused on Sheryl’s breast cancer story, while I was asked to explain the importance of early detection via Mammograms. Afterwards, we focused on all the top superfoods Sheryl used while going through breast cancer treatment.
One of the key things I wanted to point out on Dr. Oz was the link between estrogen and breast cancer, and how estrogen (and certain foods) can fuel breast disease.
Unfortunately, most women are not familiar with this concept, and many more don’t know that estrogen can be suppressed with a targeted diet.

The Foods We Covered On The Show
1. Three cups of green tea a day can prevent breast cancer by as much as 50% because of its high EGCG antioxidant content. Squeeze a little lemon into your cup and increase the antioxidant power of your tea.
2. Garlic is a good immunity booster that also has anti-inflammatory properties.
3. Olive oil, borage oils and flaxseed oil contain monounsaturated fat, which can help suppress breast cancer.
4. Turmeric helps decrease estrogen. As little as one teaspoon a day has been shown to reduce tumor growth. Get your daily dose by mixing it into salad dressings, rice or vegetable dishes.
5. Cruciferous vegetables, such as kale, bok choy and Swiss chard bind estrogen in your GI tract and reduce tumor stimulation. They also detoxify the liver, which helps reduce the toxins flowing through your body that can irritate cells and turn them into early cancers.
6. Seaweed/Kelp are high in iodine, this is another estrogen reducer.
7. A daily supplement of Vitamin D (2000 IU) can prevent tumor metastasis, reduce cancer cells and aid estrogen inhibitors. Calcium-rich foods, such as sardines, salmon, milk and cheese are also highly recommended. Or, 15-20 minutes of sunshine every day can help you in getting your daily dose of Vitamin D. All of these combined can decrease your breast cancer risk by up to 50%.
8. Studies show that inflammation plays a role in causing malignancies in several different organs, including the breast. Taking two Aspirin or Ibuprofen a week can reduce your chances of breast cancer by 21% to 28%. The anti-inflammatory properties in these drugs are also excellent for heart and colon health.